Shipping Aggregation Platform

Product: WebScope of Work: Front-EndCountry: project-logoGermanyIndustry: Supply Chain
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JUMiNGO is the leading digital shipping service provider in Germany providing an easy-to- use plattform to optimize global shipping processes. Through partnerships with major carriers like DHL Express, UPS, and FedEx JUMiNGO can offer a highly competitive price-to-performance ratio by integrating shipping management and tracking, supporting e-commerce integrations, and more.

Client Goals

JUMiNGO partnered with InventorSoft to strategically enhance its platform, focusing primarily on significant front-end improvements to optimize user interaction and overall website performance. Also, we needed to rectify coding errors and network issues, leading to notable improvements in performance and user experience.
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Our Solution

App Performance

We found several places where the code was written incorrectly. Specifically, the platform loaded too much data, causing the site to lag. To address this, we refactored the code.

Network Throttling

We reconfigured the network so that it made fewer requests for backup, thus reducing the amount of time a user would have to wait.


We migrated the platform from Vue 2 to Vue 3, thus improving speed even further.


We carefully optimized the SEO settings, including the site’s metadata, meta description, and meta title.

Acceleration of Performance Lighthouse

Chunks are pieces of files that are loaded as they are used. To increase performance, we reduced their size so that they were able to load correctly. We also optimized all other file-loading processes.

User Management

We created a page specifically for authorization as well as a dashboard page displaying user status, invoices and options for support

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CMS Conversion

We ensured that the PM could construct the necessary components while also converting them into HTML.

Cookie Banner Development

We developed a versatile cookie banner that can be easily integrated across multiple internal websites. It maintains a consistent design and behavior on all platforms. With a single setup, changes made to the banner automatically update everywhere, eliminating the need for additional coding and ensuring a uniform user experience.

Switch Support from Web Pack to Vite

Vite and Webpack are very powerful build tools catering to distinct needs in modern JavaScript development. Vite emphasizes rapid development and build speeds, which are ideal for projects leveraging native ESM support.

Server Side Rendering

The JUMINGO website is set to implement server-side rendering to streamline content delivery from the backend, aiming to enhance user experience by reducing visual disruptions and loading inconsistencies. This upcoming SSR implementation is expected to boost efficiency and optimize site speed and engagement.


By addressing inefficiencies in the code that led to excessive data loading, the platform's performance has been markedly improved, eliminating lag and enhancing responsiveness. Performance acceleration was achieved by reducing the size of file chunks and optimizing file-loading processes, ensuring smoother and faster access to resources. Finally, the enhancements in user management have streamlined the user experience, providing a more cohesive and functional interface for handling personal information and support needs. Collectively, these upgrades have transformed the platform into a more efficient, user-friendly tool.

Project Details


Unit Tests

Methodology of development


Available version


Inventorsoft Team

1 Front-end


On the client side

Databases and External Services



July 2022 - August 2023; December 2023 - Ongoing


Vue.js 2, Vue.js 3

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