Healthcare Software Development
Our expert team will gladly take on your software development project to help your organization meet its needs.
Healthcare software development services we offer: Our healthcare software development services provide state-of-the-art digital solutions that help healthcare organizations meet their goals. Our software can help doctors, patients, and back-office employees, making for a more efficient service that provides effective healthcare. With our digital solutions, you can stay at the forefront of your industry.
Telehealth platforms
Our sophisticated telehealth platforms have all you need to ensure that your organization can continue providing excellent service to your patients.
Secure and highly functional, your physicians can use the platform for anything from scheduling appointments and remote patient visits to submitting prescriptions to pharmacies and sharing medical images.
Assesment platform for medical personell
Assessing your existing team to ensure compliance and high standards is just as important as recruiting highly qualified personnel.
As a leading medical software development company, our medical personnel assessment platforms will help you assess your employees. With a platform designed with your needs in mind, you can ensure that your personnel are equipped with the skills to continue providing services of the highest standards.
Streaming platforms
Our advanced streaming platform solutions allow easy remote monitoring and interaction with patients and colleagues over a secure and high-quality channel.
Recruitment platforms for employees
Recruitment is one of the most important aspects of any healthcare service provider and one of the most challenging ones.
Our state of the art recruitment platforms will help streamline your recruitment processes, helping you to identify highly qualified personal quickly and at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. With a highly effective recruitment system in place, your organization can provide outstanding services that help you gain and maintain a position as leader in your field.
Pation portals for automatization work with client
Our patient portals will help streamline the processes involved with patient care, improving the experience for your patients while also making your organization more efficient.
With the latest in online security technology, all medical data will remain confidential, while authorized personnel will have access to the necessary medical data.
Mobile health Sophisticated mobile custom healthcare software development services can help improve your organization’s efficiency and effectiveness while also improving the experience for your patients. Mobile app development can be particularly beneficial for doctors and patients alike.
Our mobile app development team can help to automate and streamline many aspects of a Doctor’s working day.
Our digital solutions app can offer a range of features that make patient management easier and improve interactions with colleagues.
Mobile apps for doctors can also give doctors access to their patients’ medical data remotely and securely.

Patient portal apps make it much easier to schedule appointments and remind patients not to miss their appointments.
Our mobile apps for patients can also help them keep track of their medication, prescriptions, and test results, while also providing a way to update doctors and other personnel of important health developments.

Other healthcare solutions As crucial as frontline personal are, no healthcare organization can function without support from back-office services. Our custom made software solutions will help back-office personnel provide the support that allows a healthcare organization to maintain high standards.
Medical inventory software
Any medical centre will need to store and use a lot of inventory, making it difficult to manage.
Our custom medical inventory software solutions will make it easier for you to monitor and manage inventory levels, so you can be sure that your personnel always have the tools that they need.
Medical billing software
A typical healthcare provider will have many patients to deal with, including billing and payments.
With our custom-made billing software solutions, your billing processes can be streamlined, making your operations more efficient and more effective. In addition, reducing errors will also help to make your systems more efficient.
Hospital management software
Hospitals are typically hectic places, with new patients coming and going all the time.
Custom hospital management software solutions will help with the day to day running of your hospital, helping everything to run smoothly and giving management the information they need to make decisions.
Healthcare CRM software
Our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software solutions will make it a lot easier for you to keep track of all of your patients. Our custom healthcare solutions team makes it easier for you to maintain details like previous interactions with each patient and their medical status.
Benefits of healthcare software development Services
Our expert team creates state-of-the-art software solutions that deliver all the functionality that you could need. With custom-made platforms, you will have the tools that will help your organization to flourish. In addition to functionality, we will also create solutions that look great and are easy to use.
As a leading healthcare software development company, the team at Inventorsoft has in-depth knowledge of the latest in custom healthcare software development technology.
Powerful automated data processing features will give employees all the information they need to provide your customers with a high level of service. Likewise, management will be armed with information that gives them what they need to make impactful decisions.
The testing stage is one of the most important stages of custom healthcare software development. We test every function of the software rigorously to identify and fix bugs before we launch the product.
Our software development process
Deep Analysis & Research
Support & Maintencance
Our team members will always perform deep analysis and research to understand what your needs are and to determine the best solutions.